This video provides approximately 15-minute didactic overview of contraindications to clozapine and pre-clozapine workup/initiation guidance with a focus on making sure the participants learn how to list the absolute contraindications to clozapine use, differentiate between absolute and relative contraindications to clozapine use, and describe the components of a pre-clozapine workup. This is followed by a discussion on the topic between the presenter, other experts and providers.
Session 15: Clozapine Use in Patients with Suicidality, Aggression, Violence and Impulsivity (36 minutes)
This video provides approximately 15-minute didactic overview of Clozapine use in patients with suicidality, aggression, violence and impulsivity with a focus on making sure the participants learn how to 1. Review recent data on suicide incidence, examine the InterSePT Study results, review data on violence and schizophrenia, and examine literature on clozapine and violence reduction. This is followed by a discussion on the topic between the presenter, other experts and providers.
Session 16: Other Clozapine Side Effects; Interstitial Nephritis, Hepatic Abnormalities, Tardive Dyskinesia, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (35 minutes)
This video provides approximately 15-minute didactic overview of other clozapine side effects; interstitial nephritis, hepatic abnormalities, Tardive Dyskinesia, and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome with a focus on making sure the participants learn how to describe the potential risk of interstitial nephritis in clozapine-treated patients, review the hepatic abnormalities associated with clozapine treatment, analyze the potential for tardive dyskinesia in clozapine-treated patients and compare/contrast with other antipsychotics, and discuss the presentation of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in clozapine-treated patients, and compare/contrast with other antipsychotics. This is followed by a discussion on the topic between the presenter, other experts and providers.
Session 17: Clozapine and African American Patients; Underuse, Benign Ethnic Neutropenia (BEN), Safety Considerations and Characterization (65 minutes)
This video provides approximately 15-minute didactic overview of clozapine and African American patients; under use, Benign Ethnic Neutropenia (BEN), safety, considerations and characterization with a focus on making sure the participants learn how to discuss the underuse of clozapine in African American patients and rationale for underuse, characterize Benign Ethnic Neutropenia and understand new FDA guidelines for Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) monitoring in this population, and recognize the safety of using clozapine in this population and expectations for ANC values during treatment. This is followed by a discussion on the topic between the presenter, other experts and providers.